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The Role of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Testing in Cervical Cancer Screening
Aim: To review the role of human papilloma virus testing in cervical cancer screening.
Methodology: A medline and other internet search engines were accessed to retrieve online publications on human papilloma virus and cervical cancer. Textbooks and other hard copies of publications on human papilloma virus and cervical cancer were also accessed and information extracted.
Result: HPV testing can be used either alone or as an adjunct screening test for pre-malignant lesions of the cervix. It can also be used in monitoring of treatment. It provides an explorable option in low resource countries with high disease burden and no organized screening programme.
Conclusion: Development of strategies that will incooperate HPV testing will reduce the false positive results from pap smear and increase the uptake of cervical cancer screening in developed countries. The extent of the role will also be determined by the existing infrastructure.
Key words: Cervical cancer, screening, human papilloma
virus, testing.