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Informed Consent In Research
before taking part in a study. Informed consent is therefore a vital part of the research process, and as such entails more than obtaining a signature on a form. Most researchers however, do not have the requisite knowledge of the importance of informed consent in research. This paper attempts a synopsis of the place of informed consent in research study.
Method: A review of literature on informed consent in research. Literature search was done using Google search engine as well as international and local journals.
Result: Informed consent as an aspect of medical ethics, balances autonomy and beneficence, and provides adequate assurance of voluntary and autonomous participation without negative repercussions on access to study benefits. The search
showed that this if adhered to in research, will surely maintain
the dignity of man and the integrity of research as a field of
human endeavour.
Conclusion: Researchers must therefore ensure that potential research participants be given sufficient information about a study, in a format they understand, to enable them to exercise their right to make an informed decision whether or not to participate in a given research.
Keywords: Informed consent, Research.
Afrimedic Journal 2010; 1(1):5-10