About the Journal
Sponsoring Organizations
Association of Resident Doctors, NAUTH, Nnewi remits twelve percent (12%) of the annual capitation to the editorial board for the sustenance of the journal. Extra funds may be derived from adverts placed in the journal.
Peer Review
Authors submitting articles to Afrimedic Journal do so with the understanding that these articles have not been previously published, or are not under consideration for publication anywhere else in the same or similar form. Submitted articles are formally acknowledged and are read by two members of the editorial board.
The article, if selected for possible publication, is sent to two or more peer reviewers who are renowned specialists and scientists in the area of medicine under focus. The names and affiliations of the authors are usually removed from the articles before they are sent to the reviewers. Reviewers return the articles with their comments normally within 15 calendar days; and the combined assessment of the reviewers are considered and recorded. If rejected by the reviewers, the article is not accepted for publication in the journal.
Articles considered worthy of publication but requiring changes or condensation will be returned to the corresponding author for revision. After the corrections have been made, the article may then be sent back to the reviewers to confirm compliance with stated corrections before the article is returned to the Editor. A formal letter of acceptance is then sent to the corresponding author and the article publication fee is paid.
At this stage, the article is proofed by the editorial team and sent to the corresponding author to make final comments and give assent for the publication. The returned article is formatted for publication along with other articles. These are then uploaded on the journal website, emailed to the publisher for printing as well as to the corresponding author as the final published version.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial Office
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital
P.M.B 5025, Nnewi
Anambra state, Nigeria.
Email: editor@afrimedicjournal.com.ng
Telephone: +2348106847957