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Climate Information for Development: An Integrated Dissemination Model
The major challenge is lack of access to, and ability to respond to, climate research information by both vulnerable groups and institutions and agencies charged with managing the impacts of climate variability. Additionally funding agencies outside the continent drive much of the research on African climate dynamics. Indeed few African countries have the resources, technical expertise and, in some cases, political commitment to give the necessary priority to climate
and environmental research. Therefore, it is important to develop innovative strategies that allow them to take advantage of the results of climate research. The proposed model consists of a regional archive and database for all research related to West African climate variability. The goal is to improve access to emerging research findings and technologies and to avoid duplication of efforts. A second major component includes an institute dedicated to the testing,
validation and adaptation of research for practical applications under local conditions. The model illustrates clearly the pathways of climate research information flow and linkages between the research community, policy makers, the media and end-users. Although based on research in West Africa, the model can easily be adapted for other parts of Africa.