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Les fondements de la Socioéconométrie
economic theories and facts that helped those constructions to happen shows the importance of the concept of space and time. Yet, it is not about the classical concept of time and space, but about concepts perceived under the angle of their decline or not within the economy. The combination of space and time helps to better understand economic realities as a systemic totality. The systematisation of economic realities leads to a consideration of economic facts as having some
sociological implications, and sociological facts as having some economic incidences. Lastly, the reflection then examines the role of econometrics as a means to deepen and understand economic theories.
« L’analyse économique n’a jamais été le produit d’une curiosité
intellectuelle détachée, relative au pourquoi des phénomènes sociaux,
mais celui d’un besoin pressant de reconstruire un monde qui suscite un
profond mécontentement » Friedrich Von Hayek