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The need for the teaching of Biblical Studies in the RSA with special reference to the Giyani high schools: research
Assisting learners to perform well in other school subjects
Helping teenagers make better moral decisions in life, and
Building a better society without crime.
It is also shown that the use of the teaching methods and the teaching principles by academically and professionally qualified teachers would improve the standard of teaching of Biblical Studies, especially so in the Giyani schools under the Gazankulu Department of Education (GDE). In an extensive empirical study the following conclusions were drawn. All respondents (teachers, learners, principals, parents and ministers of Christian religions) agree that Biblical Studies plays a role in the school curriculum as it is instrumental in:
Solving life problems experienced by learners in the society;
Establishing norms whereby learners can judge the situations in which they are involved, and
Enhancing the spiritual and academic growth of learners and young people.
(Acta Theologica, 21 (1), 2001: 41-56)