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Aktiewe gemeente-betrokkenheid by die mission?re diakonaat: 'n ondersoek in 'n gemeente van die NGKA in Mangaung: research

P Verster


Active involvement of a congregation in the missionary service to those in need - research in a congregation of the DRCA in Mangaung

Research within the community which does not take into account the need and knowledge of the community is not beneficial. Using the notion of the four squares of knowledge, research was conducted in the informal housing community in Mangaung. From the perspective of the congregation of the Christian church, the congregation developed a strategy to get involved in the community. In this way the poor were able to reach out to people in need and seek solutions from within. This has a sound Biblical base.

Keywords: Missiologie, Missiology, Missionere diakonaat, Missionary service, NGKA, DRCA, Mangaung

Acta Theologica Vol.22(2) 2003: 254-267

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758