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Kerk, koerant en die kwessie van nuus toegepas op die Rapport-berig oor huise van NG Welsyn Vrystaat vir predikante: research

PJ Strauss


Church, newspapers and the issue of news

This article analyses the question of what news and news values are as well as the handling of church news in daily or weekly newspapers. The author deems the norms for news as accepted and applied by these papers to be acceptable from a Christian ethical point of view. In his opinion there is no need for conflict between church and newspaper in this regard. Conflict may, however, arise when it relates to the construction of news or a practical application of these values in a specific news report. A case study on such a report in the Afrikaans Sunday newspaper, Rapport, confirms this observation. This report focuses on houses of DRC Welfare in the Free State which have been sold to ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church.

In hierdie artikel kyk die skrywer na die kwessie van nuus, waaronder kerknuus, soos dit deur groot algemene nie-kerklike nuusblaaie hanteer word. Die norme hiervoor soos deur hierdie koerante op hulleself van toepassing gemaak, is na sy oordeel teologies-eties aanvaarbaar. Kerk en koerant hoef dus nie oor hierdie norme konflik te h? nie. Soos hy dit sien, ontstaan die probleem of konflik eerder by die toepassing van hierdie norme in die praktiese konstruksie van kerknuusberigte. 'n Gevallestudie oor 'n berig in die Afrikaanse Sondagkoerant Rapport bevestig hierdie punt. Die berig handel oor die verkoop van huise van NG Welsyn Vrystaat aan predikante.

Keywords: Kerk en joernalistiek, Church and journalism, Etiek, Ethics, Nuus, News, NG Kerk: OVS, Dutch Reformed Church: Free State, Rapport

Acta Theologica Vol.22(2) 2003: 220-238

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758