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Towards doing practical integral mission: A Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) reflection in Africa

V. Magezi
C. Mutowa


The concept “integral mission” denotes the contribution of churches in helping people and communities with material resources. It  remains unclear as to how this widely held theological concept is done practically. At a theological level, there has been a general silence  on reflection regarding how organisations can practically do integral mission. Using an institutional theological understanding of  compassionate ministry within the church of the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM), this article demonstrates the convergences and divergences that may arise in an organisation as it attempts to implement integral mission interventions. It is also an empirical case  study of leadership and grassroots (implementation) level staff to show the differences that may exist and weaken integral mission  efforts. At a theory formation level, the article contributes to understanding the dynamics of implementing integral mission. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758