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Blue theology and watershed discipleship in South Africa


In an era increasingly shaped by escalating water crises, Ched Myers calls the church to watershed discipleship, arguing that watershed discipleship is a faithful response to Christian mission amidst a looming environmental catastrophe. The practical application of a traditional creation care paradigm can remain abstract, a-contextual and cosmetic; insufficiently radical in its diagnosis – remaining located in the political geography of dominant cultural ideation rather than in the topography of creation. Watershed discipleship has the potential to offer a postcolonial interpretation of the great commission as the incarnational yet missional re-inhabiting of the places in which we reside. In South Africa, a region beset with severe droughts and where water demand is outstripping supply, the work of Myers is hardly known. Building on Myers, the argument and application of watershed discipleship to a South African context will be demonstrated.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758