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Acts: Integrating theory and praxis in early Christianity

C. Stenschke


Although early Judaism was a diverse movement, the vast majority of Jews at the time would have agreed on a set of core convictions, including the  persuasion that non-Jews could not simply join the people of Israel as non-Jews. Rather, they had to become Jews. During the two or three decades after  the ministry of Jesus, one early Jewish group – at least some of its members! – denounced this consensus and started to accept non-Jews, based on their belief in Jesus as Messiah. According to Acts, the change came about not by theoretical reflection, but by a new “praxis” – a new praxis not by people, but  by God who accepted non-Jews as non-Jews. Theoretical reflection followed, in order to understand what had happened and to draw out the implications  for non-Jews and Jews. While some early followers of Christ “integrated praxis and theory”, others drew different conclusions. This article uses the theme  of integrating theory and praxis to shed light on developments in early Christianity. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758