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Tracing the origins of the Southern African building regulations, with specific reference to the period between 1650 and circa 1740

J Laubscher


This paper uses contemporary definitions of building regulations and building standards to establish the first performance standard (and the source of building regulations) for Southern Africa. Specific focus is given to the period between 1650 and circa 1740. The author argues that the original premises remain relevant in the built environment.

Keywords: Building regulations and its origin, building standards, building codes, Code of Hammurabi, Jan van Riebeeck, regulating the built environment

Binne die artikel word ‘n kontemporêre definisie van ‘n bouregulasie en boustandaard gebruik ten einde die eerste voldoeningstandaard, asook die oorsprong van bouregulasies vir Suider-Afrika, te bepaal. Daar word spesifiek verwys na die periode 1650 tot circa 1740. Die gebruik van die gemelde bouregulasie-definisie illustreer die universele geldigheid van die oorspronklike argument.

Sleutelwoorde: Bouregulasies, oorsprong van bouregulasies, boustandaarde, boukodes, Wet van Hammurabi, Jan van Riebeeck, kontrole van die bouomgewing

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564