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Critical success factors framework for enhancing the sustainability of small and medium-sized contractors in Namibia

Tinoapei Dhliwayo
Innocent Musonda
Trynos Gumbo
Godwin Kaisara


The sustainability of small and medium-sized contractors (SMCs) is vital, considering the critical role they play in socio-economic  development globally. SMCs in Namibia have been consistently grappling with high failure rates over the years, largely due to a dearth of  robust policy frameworks to guide SMC development and sustainability in the country. This study investigates the critical success factors  (CSFs) for SMCs’ sustainability in Namibia. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected from 60 purposively selected construction industry participants, comprising owner-managers of contracting firms, policymakers, and construction professional consultants.  Interviews were conducted with the participants, using a semi-structured interview tool. Data were then analysed using reflexive  thematic analysis. The findings revealed six CSFs, including public and private institutions’ collaborative support, skills training, an  enabling construction business environment, access to adequate and affordable finance, consistent work opportunities, and firm owner’s  entrepreneurial skills. The identified CSFs culminated in the development of a framework for guiding the development of SMCs  in Namibia. By incorporating the six CSFs in the framework, SMCs could be effectively developed and sustained. The framework may  assist policymakers in making fundamental policy reforms and developing appropriate and context-specific interventions to sustain SMCs  in Namibia and similar contexts.


Die volhoubaarheid van klein- en mediumgrootte kontrakteurs (SMC’s) is noodsaaklik met inagneming van die kritieke rol wat hulle in sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling wêreldwyd speel. SMC’s in Namibië worstel deur die jare deurlopend omdat hulle misluk, hoofsaaklik as  gevolg van ’n gebrek aan robuuste beleidsraamwerke om SMC-ontwikkeling en volhoubaarheid in die land te rig. Hierdie studie  ondersoek die kritieke suksesfaktore (GSF’s) vir SMC’s se volhoubaarheid in Namibië. Deur ’n kwalitatiewe benadering te gebruik, is data  ingesamel van 60 doelbewus geselekteerde konstruksiebedryfdeelnemers, bestaande uit eienaar-bestuurders van kontrakterende firmas, beleidmakers en konstruksie professionele konsultante. Onderhoude is met die deelnemers gevoer deur gebruik te maak van ’n  semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudsinstrument. Data is ontleed met behulp van refleksiewe tematiese analise. Die bevindinge het ses  GSF’s aan die lig gebring wat insluit die openbare en private instellings se samewerkende ondersteuning, vaardigheidsopleiding, ’n  bemagtigende konstruksie-besigheidsomgewing, toegang tot voldoende en bekostigbare finansiering, konsekwente werksgeleenthede  en firma eienaar se entrepreneuriese vaardighede. Die geïdentifiseerde CSF’s is gebruik vir die ontwikkeling van ’n raamwerk vir die rigtinggewing van die ontwikkeling van SMC’s in Namibië. Deur die ses CSF-faktore in die raamwerk in te sluit, kan SMC’s effektief  ontwikkel en volgehou word. Die raamwerk kan beleidmakers help om fundamentele beleidshervormings te maak en toepaslike en  konteksspesifieke intervensies te ontwikkel om SMC’s in Namibië en soortgelyke kontekste in stand te hou. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564
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