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Factors that determine construction health and safety agent collaboration on construction projects: A Delphi study

Ndaleni Rantsatsi
Innocent Musonda
Justus Agumba


The construction industry (CI) continues to be the cause of injuries and illnesses to many workers worldwide. Collaboration between the construction health and safety agent (CHSA) and other built environment professionals may improve the impact of the CHSA on health and safety (H&S) performance. However, no study has identified the factors that determine CHSA collaboration on construction sites. A three rounds Delphi study was conducted to identify the factors that determine CHSA collaboration. A panel of 14 experts serving the CI were selected from four continents and were asked to identify additional factors and validate the factors identified from literature. Microsoft Excel 2016 was used to analyse the data; group medians were calculated to reach consensus, and open question responses were summarised qualitatively. The experts confirmed the existence of the factors identified in the literature. The factors that determine CHSA collaboration on construction projects include mutuality, trust, enabling environment, personal characteristics, common purpose, institutional support, and project context. Drawing from the findings, the study suggests that these seven factors can influence CHSA collaboration. The study is limited to 14 experts and more experts could have provided more information. The factors that determine CHSA collaboration identified in this study may not be exhaustive and another study may provide different factors. Further research could adopt other research methods such as the quantitative method, in order to determine the impact of these factors on CHSA collaboration. Factors that determine CHSA collaboration on construction projects should be identified, implemented, and monitored, in order to increase the influence of CHSA on H&S performance. 

Die konstruksiebedryf (KI) is steeds die oorsaak van beserings en siektes vir baie werkers wêreldwyd. Samewerking tussen die konstruksiegesondheids- en veiligheidsagent (KGVA) en ander professionele persone in die bou-omgewing kan die impak van die KGVA op gesondheids- en veiligheidsprestasie (G&V) verbeter. Geen studie het die faktore geïdentifiseer wat KGVA-samewerking op konstruksieterreine bepaal nie. ’n Delphi-studie van drie rondtes is uitgevoer om die faktore wat KGVA-samewerking bepaal, te identifiseer. ’n Paneel van 14 kundiges uit die KI, is uit vier kontinente gekies. Kenners is versoek om addisionele faktore te identifiseer en die faktore wat uit literatuur geïdentifiseer is, te bekragtig. Microsoft Excel 2016 is gebruik om die data te ontleed en groepmediane is bereken om konsensus te bereik en antwoorde op oop vrae is kwalitatief opgesom. Kenners het die bestaan van die faktore wat in die literatuur geïdentifiseer is, bevestig. Die faktore wat KGVA se samewerking oor bouprojekte bepaal, is onder meer wedersydsheid, vertroue, omgewing, persoonlike eienskappe, gemeenskaplike doel, institusionele ondersteuning en projekkonteks. Uit die bevindinge het die studie voorgestel dat hierdie sewe faktore KGVA-samewerking kan beïnvloed. Die studie is beperk tot 14 kundiges en meer kundiges kon meer inligting verskaf het. Die faktore wat KGVA-samewerking bepaal wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer is, is moontlik nie volledig nie en ’n ander studie kan verskillende faktore verskaf. Verdere navorsing kan ander navorsingsmetodes gebruik, soos die kwantitatiewe metode, om die impak van hierdie faktore op KGVA-samewerking te bepaal. Faktore wat KGVAsamewerking op konstruksieprojekte bepaal, moet geïdentifiseer, geïmplementeer en gemonitor word om die invloed van KGVA op G&V-prestasie te verhoog.

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eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564
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