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Housing poverty in developing countries: Challenges and implications for decent accommodation in Swedru, Ghana

Peres Ofori


Adequate supply of housing remains a challenge in developing countries. This article assesses the extent of housing poverty in  developing countries and its implication for decent accommodation1 in Swedru, Ghana. Using a cross-sectional survey design coupled with stratified and systematic sampling techniques, 1,161 household participants were selected. Questionnaires and interviews were
used to collect raw data from 496 houses in 16 neighbourhoods in the Swedru Township, Ghana. Findings showed that the vast majority of houses in the Swedru Township share common housing facilities such as bathroom and lavatory. This has compelled some households to resort to bathing in open spaces, while practising free range especially in the morning where households have to queue for bathing and using the toilet facility. A room occupancy rate of 5.51 indicates that households are congested and a population of 4,603 accommodated in 496 housing units is evident. It was revealed that the high level of non-decent accommodation in the  municipality is attributable to ill-enforcement of building laws that has allowed houseowners to supply housing without lavatories with impunity. Hence, effective implementation of the L.I.1630 was recommended.

Keywords: Decent accommodation, deficit, housing facility, housing supply


Voldoende aanbod van behuising bly ’n uitdaging in ontwikkelende lande. In hierdie artikel word die omvang van behuisingsarmoede in ontwikkelende lande en die implikasies daarvan vir ordentlike akkommodasie in Swedru, Ghana, beoordeel. Met behulp van ’n deursnee-opname-ontwerp tesame met gestratifiseerde en sistematiese monsternemingstegnieke, is 1 161 huishoudelike deelnemers gekies. Vraelyste en onderhoude is gebruik om rou-data van 496 huise in 16 woonbuurte in die Swedru Township, Ghana, te versamel.  Bevindinge het getoon dat die oorgrote meerderheid huise in die Swedru Township gemeenskaplike huisvestingsgeriewe soos  badkamer en toilet deel. Dit het sommige huishoudings genoop om te gaan bad in oop ruimtes, terwyl huishoudings moet wag om te bad en die toiletgeriewe te gebruik. ’n Kamerbesettingskoers van 5,51 dui aan dat huishoudings oorvol is en dat daar ’n bevolking van 4603 in 496 wooneenhede is. Daar is aan die lig gebring dat die hoë vlak van nie-ordentlike akkommodasie in die munisipaliteit te wyte is aan die swak handhawing van die bouwette wat huiseienaars toegelaat het om straffeloos behuising sonder toilette te voorsien. Daarom word ’n effektiewe implementering van die L.I.1630 aanbeveel.

Sleutelwoorde: Behuisingsaanbod, behuisingsfasiliteit, ordentlike akkommodasie, tekort

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564
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