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Theoretical model of trust-based relationships in building information modelling supply chain for construction projects

Oluseye Olugboyega
Abimbola Windapo


The structure of relationships among project participants has a significant impact on trust development, while the number of participants involved in the relationship increases the complexity of trust. Hence, it becomes inappropriate to generalise the existing dimension and components of trustbased relationships to trust-based relationships among the building information modelling (BIM) supply chain members because of the multiple structures of relationship and the numerous interpersonal and inter-organisations that participate on BIM-based construction projects. This article investigates the nature of trust-based relationships among the BIM supply
chain members and establishes whether the requirements of the BIM process influence trust-based relationships among the BIM supply chain members. A five-stage PRISMA was adopted for systematic reviews and metaanalysis. The systematic review enabled the
development of a theoretical model of trustbased relationships in BIM supply chain which was subjected to meta-analysis for  validation. The findings revealed that trust-based relationships among the BIM supply chain members entail trusting and trustworthy behaviours, positive expectations, and positive reputations, under which twenty-seven components were identified and classified appropriately. The article concludes that the nature of trustbased relationships among the BIM supply chain members, as influenced by the requirements of the BIM process, can be explained as trusting and trustworthy behaviours, positive expectations, and positive  reputations. The article advances the understanding of trust-based relationships among the BIM supply chain members and  recommends a first-hand investigation into the nature of trust-based relationships among the BIM supply chain members in future studies.

Keywords: BIM, BIM supply chain, construction projects, trust-based relationships

Die struktuur van verhoudings tussen die projekdeelnemers het ’n beduidende impak op vertroue-ontwikkeling, terwyl die aantal  deelnemers wat betrokke is in die verhouding, die kompleksiteit van vertroue verhoog. Daarom word dit onvanpas om die bestaande dimensie en komponente van vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings te veralgemeen na vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings tussen die building information modelling (BIM)-toevoerketting lede as gevolg van die veelvoudige strukture van verhoudings en verskeie interpersoonlike en interorganisasies wat deelneem aan BIM-gebaseerde konstruksieprojekte. Hierdie studie ondersoek die aard van vertrouensverwante verhoudings onder lede van die die BIM-toevoerketting en stel vas of die vereistes van die BIM-proses die trustgebaseerde verhoudings tussen die lede van die BIM-toevoerketting beïnvloed. ’n Vyf-stadium PRISMA is aangeneem vir sistematiese oorsigte en meta-analise. Die sistematiese oorsig het die ontwikkeling van ’n teoretiese model van vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings in BIM-toevoerketting moontlik gemaak wat aan meta-analise onderworpe gestel is vir validering. Die bevindinge het getoon dat vertroue-gebaseerde verhoudings tussen die lede van die BIM-toevoerketting behels vertroue en betroubare gedrag, positiewe verwagtinge en positiewe reputasies waaronder sewe-en-twintig komponente geïdentifiseer en gepas geklassifiseer is. Die studie het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die aard van vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings tussen lede van die BIM-toevoerketting, soos beïnvloed deur die vereistes van die BIM-proses, as vertroue en betroubare gedrag, positiewe verwagtinge en positiewe reputasie verklaar kan word. Die studie bevorder die begrip van vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings onder lede van die BIMtoevoerketting en beveel aan om ’n eerstehandse ondersoek te doen na die aard van vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings tussen lede van die  BIMtoevoerketting in toekomstige studies.

Sleutelwoorde: BIM, BIM-toevoerketting, bouprojekte, vertrouensgebaseerde verhoudings

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564
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