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Assessment of resuscitation strategies of abandoned projects: A case study of public tertiary education institutions’ buildings in Osun State, Nigeria

Oluwaseyi Alao
Godwin Jagboro
Akintayo Opawole
Dele Kadiri


Abandoned projects have contributed significantly to the inadequacy of teaching and research facilities in the Nigerian tertiary education institutions. This article examines the strategies for resuscitating the projects based on the financing options that were employed. The aim of this article is to suggest sustainable cash-flow strategies that could be appropriated for financing abandoned projects, in general, and tertiary education institutions projects, in particular. The article adopts a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methodology. The respondents consist of 47 top officials in the physical development departments in Osun State public tertiary institutions. The qualitative assessment is based on open-ended face-toface interviews involving three key informants, namely one quantity surveyor and two engineers. Data collected are analysed using mean analysis, Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test, and ATLAS.ti 7. Solicitation for funds and yearly budgetary allocation were both frequently used and were efficient strategies. On the other hand,  public-private partnership (PPP) arrangement, and the establishment of institution-based, abandoned projectresuscitation  unit/department, and levy of beneficiaries were strategies that were both least used and inefficient. The article provides implications  for financing abandoned educational projects in the education sector.

Keywords: Abandoned buildings, public tertiary education institutions, resuscitation strategies


Projekte wat verlaat word, het aansienlik bygedra tot die ontoereikendheid van onderrig- en navorsingsfasiliteite in die Nigeriese  tersiêre opvoedkundige instellings. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die strategieë vir die herlewing van hierdie projekte, gebaseer op die finansieringsopsies wat gebruik is. Die doel van die artikel is om volhoubare kontantvloeistrategieë voor te stel wat aangewend kan word vir die finansiering van verlate projekte in die algemeen en tersiêre opvoedkundige instellingsprojekte spesifiek. Die artikel  gebruik ’n driehoek van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodologie. Die respondente sluit in 47 topamptenare in die fisiese ontwikkelingsdepartemente in Osun State se openbare tersiêre instellings. Die kwalitatiewe assessering is gegrond op oop aangesig-tot-aangesig-onderhoud met drie sleutelinformante, naamlik een bourekenaar en twee ingenieurs. Die data wat ingesamel is, is  geanaliseer met behulp van gemiddelde analise, Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) toets en ATLAS. ti 7. Die werwing van fondse en jaarlikse  begrotingstoewysing was beide gereeld gebruik en was doeltreffende strategieë. Aan die ander kant was die openbare-private vennootskap (PPP)-ooreenkomste, en die vestiging van ’n instansie-gebaseerde projekherlewingseenheid/-afdeling, en die heffing van begunstigdes, strategieë wat die minste benut en ook ondoeltreffend was. Die artikel bevat implikasies vir die finansiering van verlate  opvoedkundige projekte in die onderwyssektor.

Sleutelwoorde: Herlewingstrategieë, openbare tersiêre onderwysinstellings, verlate geboue

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564
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