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Deciphering priority areas for improving project risk management through critical analysis of pertinent risks in the Zambian construction industry

Chipozya Kosta Tembo-Silungwe
Nthatisi Khatleli


Risk identification is the first step in the risk-management process. A plethora of  current studies in literature dwell overwhelmingly on risk identification much to the exclusion of the source, and the possible mitigation interventions. In a limited effort to address this deficiency in the body of knowledge, this article reports the results of a study conducted using 15 purposive semi-structured interviews and 198  questionnaires targeting clients, contractors and consultants in the building sector  in Zambia. This study uses threats to identify improvement areas in the Zambian  Construction Industry (ZCI). As a consequence, this research uses the pertinent  risk factors as a point of critical analysis to recommend improvement areas for  project risk management. Findings show that most of the risks could be categorised as managerial, technical and finance related and could severally be associated with clients, consultants, and contractors compared to project managers. These could be mitigated in the pre-contract phase and construction phase, with the most deficient knowledge areas being cost management, procurement management, integration  management, communication management, and scope management. This article  provides areas of focus for built environment professionals to improve project  delivery and thereby enhance project execution efficiency.

Keywords: Building sector, risk identification, Pareto analysis, project risk  management, Zambia


Risiko-identifikasie is die eerste stap in die risikobestuursproses. ’n Oorvloed bestaande literatuurstudies handel oorweldigend oor die identifisering van risiko’s tot die uitsluiting van die bron en moontlike versagtende intervensies. In ’n beperkte poging om hierdie tekort aan kennis aan te spreek, het hierdie studie 15 doelgerigte semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en 198 vraelysopnames gedoen wat kliënte, kontrakteurs en konsultante in die bousektor in Zambië teiken. Bevindinge toon dat meeste van die risiko’s gekategoriseer kan word as bestuurs-, tegniese en finansies verwant en kan afsonderlik met kliënte, konsultante en kontrakteurs geassosieer word met projekbestuurders. Dit kan verminder word in die voorkontrakfase en konstruksiefase, met die mees gebrekkige kennisareas, naamlik kostebestuur, verkrygingsbestuur, integrasiebestuur, kommunikasiebestuur en omvangsbestuur. Hierdie artikel bied fokusareas vir geboue in die omgewing om projeklewering te verbeter en sodoende die doeltreffendheid van projekuitvoering te verbeter.

Sleutelwoorde: Bou-sektor, risiko-identifikasie, Pareto-analise, projek risikobestuur,

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0487
print ISSN: 1023-0564
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