Sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers, linked to four independent quantitative trait loci (QTL) in XAN 159 and GN #1 Nebr. sel. 27, are available for indirect selection of resistance to common bacterial blight in Phaseolus vulgaris. Existing SCAR-markers, SU91, BC420, BC409 and SAP6, were evaluated for potential use in the South Africa breeding programme. Segregating populations of progenies developed through backcross breeding with cultivars Teebus and Kranskop as susceptible recurrent parents, and XAN 159 and Vax 4 as resistant donor parents were evaluated for presence of existing markers. Presence of all four markers in improved Teebus lines (XAN 159 derived) confirmed transfer of resistance in these lines. Marker BC420 was absent in XAN 159 derived Kranskop-lines. These lines were only moderately resistant when tested in the greenhouse, indicating that the QTL linked to this marker is important in order to obtain high levels of resistance. Progenies from backcrosses with Kranskop as recurrent parent using Vax 4 have exhibited high levels of resistance and presence of all markers found in Vax 4 confirmed transfer of resistance. Marker-assisted selection can successfully be implemented in breeding for common bacterial blight resistance in South African materials.