Heat stress, characterised by a trend in average temperature increase during anthesis and grain filling, leads to forced maturity is one of the major constraints of wheat production in arid and, semiarid regions of the world. This study examined the nature and magnitude of gene action for yield and its contributing characters and some important heat tolerant parameters in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum l em. thell) to determine breeding strategies for future breeding programmes. Twelve lines and four testers were crossed in an L x T mating design. The 48 crosses and their parents were raised under normal (21, November 2002) and late sown (1, January 2003) seasons at the Experimental Farm of Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur in India. Lines K’sona, DWR 195, C 306 and K 9708 were found to be good combiners for different heat tolerant parameters along with grain yield. Combinations of Raj 3077 x Kailash under normal (E1) and late sown (E2), C 306 x PBN 51 (E1) and C 306 x HD 2189 (E2) for grain yield; had high sca effect. The crosses viz., K 9708 x PBN 51 for proline content and heat injury, DWR 195 with HD 2189, and C 306 with Kailash for heat injury had desirable significant sca effects. The other crosses, HD 2329 x Kailash for pollen viability, and Raj 3765 x Kailash for chlorophyll content, were the best specific combiners. Parents like C 306, K’sona, DWR 195, K 9708, Raj 3077, PBN 51 and Kailash could be utilised in multiple crossing programmes and further biparental matting for selection of high yielding progenies for heat tolerance.