Potato farms and backyard holdings in Plateau State were surveyed for potato viruses S,X,Y and leaf roll in 1990-1992. Random and biased field samples as well as leaves from sprouted seed tubers from local markets were tested for the four viruses by the enzyme-linked immunisebent assay (ELISA). The incidence of viruses in the fields in four districts was between 45 and 62%, although it reached 90.9% at Chisu in one occasion. Potato virus X (PVX) was the most prevalent while potato virus Y (PVY) and potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) were the least. Virus incidence in plants sprouting from seed tubers in the screen house was more or less comparable to field incidence. Mixed infections by viruses were common, those containing PVX being the most prevalent. PVY scarcely occurred in mixed infections with potato virus S or PLRV.
Keywords: Nigeria, Plateau State, Potato viruses