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Integrated analysis for genotypic adaptation in rice
assess yield performance, stability and adaptability of thirty-six rice genotypes of three different maturity groups evaluated over 12 environments. There were highly significant (P<0.05) genotype-environment interaction in three different maturity groups. The AMMI analysis of variance in the maturity groups also showed significant genotype, location and G´L. Stability in yield performance was predicted using nine stability parameters (b,2d S , CV, SF, R1, R2, W, S1 and ASV). The rank correlation coefficient among nine parameters indicated that the stability parameters were dissimilar in for all the maturity groups. Stability index (STI) computed by integrating all the nine stability parameters indicated that genotypes Lalat and OR 2006-12 of mid-early group, genotypes OR 1912-25, OR 2310-12 and MTU 1001 of mid-late group, and genotypes OR 1898-3-16, OR 1901-14-32, OR 2109-2, OR 2001-1,
Mahanadi and Jagabandhu of late group yielded higher consistently over the 3 years in the different agroclimatic zones.