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Genetic variability among landraces of sesame in Ethiopia
diversity than the cultivars (He=0.305). The fixation index (Fst) values for the landraces and cultivars were 0.427 and 0.26, respectively, indicating that genetic divergence between populations was smaller than genetic divergence within. High outcrossing of 45 and 46.4% for landraces and cultivars, respectively, indicates that both landraces and cultivars are line mixtures and segregants of past outcrossing results. A Neighbour-Joining dendrogram based on Modified Rogers’ Distances (MRD) and a principal coordinate analysis based on a simple dissimilarity matrix, points towards some grouping based on geographical origin. The established SSR markers will be very useful for further diversity analyses among a large landrace collection of Ethiopian sesame and in the establishment of a core
collection. Moreover, existence of great genetic variability between the landraces is a good starting point of sesame crop improvement programs in Ethiopia.