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Faba bean and field pea seed proportion for intercropping system in Horro highlands of Western Ethiopia
significantly (P < 0.05) affected grain yield of both crops. Intercropping of Faba bean and field pea at 75%: 25 % seed rate proportion gave higher grain yield and better marginal rate of return (1003%). Under intercropping Faba bean seed yield was reduced by 21 to 69% and 10 to 34%, for field pea. A maximum land use efficiency 0.53 or relative yield advantage of 53% was obtained from intercropping 75 Faba bean: 25% field pea. Superior productivity of the Faba bean/field pea was obtained from intercropping system. Growing Faba bean both as a
sole crop and intercropping with field pea is a viable option for sustainable productivity in total grain yield and profit to farmers.