Plant parasitic nematodes are recognised as a significant factor limiting banana (Musa spp.) production worldwide. Identification of banana varieties with resistance to nematodes may be the best option for sustainable nematode management. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate banana varieties with resistance to nematodes. Six varieties FHIA01, FHIA03, FHIA23, FHIA25, Gros Michel and Kamaramasenge were evaluated with Calcutta 4 as reference genotype. Data were recorded on root damage and nematode population densities at 6 and 9 months after planting, at flowering and at harvest for the two cycles. Results indicated that Gros Michel, Kamaramasenge and Calcutta 4 had lower density of Pratylenchus goodeyi and least root damage. They may be considered as partially resistant to this nematode. Contrary, FHIA 25 and FHIA 23 contained the highest density and root damage and were the most susceptible to Pratylenchus goodeyi. Kamaramasenge, Gros Michel and FHIA 25 supported less than one thousand nematodes of Meloidogyne javanica per 100 g fresh root weight, however, this was not significantly different from other varieties which supported higher number of this nematode.
The level of recorded build-up of M. javanica did not allow deciding with certainty about the status of resistance of the tested banana varieties to this nematode.