An ethnobotanical survey and germplasm collection of Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) (an indigenous fruit tree) were carried out in six provinces of the humid rainforest zone in southern Cameroon. Fruit samples were collected at 40-50 km intervals along the main road network of the zone, from homegardens, food crop as well as cash crop fields, bush fallow and primary forest land uses. At each point, 100 fruits were randomly collected under a tree chosen by farmers. A total of 47 accessions or tree provenances were sampled in 47 different villages. Kernels (cotyledons) or the edible parts of these fruits were analysed for fat, crude protein, ash and crude fibre. Total carbohydrates and energy values were also determined. The edible parts of Ricinodendron heudelotii were found to have a very high fat content (49.2 to 63.5 %) and crude protein (49.9 to 65.2%), and low total carbohydrates (4.9 to 6.4 %). The highest values for crude fibre and total ash were 9.37 and 17.76%, respectively. The species also gave higher energy values (2,748 to 3,558 KJ 100g-1 DM) as compared to food crops (84-2500 KJ 100 -1 DM). Two provenances, FTKC 27 and FTKC 32, were classified as high and low energy “ideotypes”.
Key Words: Ricinodendron, nutrition, quality
(African Crop Science Journal: 2000, 8(2): 195-201)