Growth and development from shoot primordia and embryoids obtained from the Asiatic Hybrid Lily and the Oriental Hybrid Lily were studied. Shoot primordium and embryoid formation of the Asiatic Hybrid Lily was more successful than the Oriental Hybrid Lily. The highest shoot primordium formation medium of the Asiatic Hybrid Lily from apical meristem was achieved at 0.5 BA (6-benzylaminopurin) without NAA (nafthalen acetic acid), and that of the Oriental Hybrid Lily required 0.01 mg/l NAA and 0.5 mg/l BA. Embryogenic calli from the shoot apex for embryoid germination gave rise to numerous embryoids, which regenerated rapidly in the medium with the same concentrations of NAA and BA in the medium for shoot primordium formation. Concentrations of NAA and BA in the medium for regeneration from shoot primordium and embrioids were similar to treatment for shoot primordium and embryoids formation but differed between the Asiatic Hybrid Lily and the Oriental Hybrid Lily. Young plants regenerated in vitro from shoot primordium and embryoids acclimatised with the maintenance of humidity. Only a few cases of somaclonal mutation were noted in the regenerated plants from shoot primordium and embryoids. Thus, our results suggest that plantlets produced by these methods are stable and commercial production via this protocol is feasible for lily propagation.
Key Words: Asiatic Lily, mutation, propagation, shoot primordial
(African Crop Science Journal: 2000, 8(2): 117-128)