With the agro-ecological conditions in The Philippines being vastly different from the temperate growing conditions under which the majority of the world's potato varieties have been selected, a farmer's choice of variety will have a profound impact on the productivity and profitability of the crop. Variety was found to be the most important factor influencing a Filipino potato farmer's decision to purchase seed. The physical characteristics of the tuber (tuber size, shape, skin colour and flesh colour) was the most important factor influencing the farmer's choice of variety. Suitability to the environment was the second most important factor, indicating that farmer's were constantly searching for new, better adapted varieties. However, despite the expansion in both the fast food industry and the snack food market, the suitability of the variety for processing was surprisingly the least important factor in the farmer's choice of variety.
Key Words: Environmental adaptability, physical characteristics, varietal choice, Solanum tuberosum
(African Crop Science Journal 2001 9(1): 317-330)