All texts submitted for review and possible publication in the journal must meet the following criteria:

Identification of authors: The identification of authors will be uploaded to the platform as a complementary file following the model for declaration of authorship and conflicts of interest proposed by the journal.

Article title: In the author's language and also in the magazine's other two languages ​​(depending on the case, Spanish, Portuguese, English).

Abstracts: Between 200 and 250 words.

Article text: It is suggested that you follow the structure Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, References.

The text can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Abstract must be included or replaced by summary only when in English.

Article length: between 6000 and 7000 words. A short extension will not be allowed. In the case of review studies, texts of up to 8000 words will be accepted.

Formatting: The font throughout the text must be Times New Roman with a size of 12 points and the paragraphs must be justified on both margins, which will all be 2.5 cm.

The spacing between lines will be simple and the first line must be indented by 1.25 cm. Titles will be in bold and lowercase and subtitles will be in bold and italics.

Use left margin indentation of 1.25 cm for the first line, consider exceptions when requested.

For direct and long quotations, with more than three lines, they must be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, with smaller font size 10 and without quotation marks.

The manuscript must be submitted in digital format and editable in file extensions in Microsoft Word format, numbered and continuous lines, that is, continuing from one page to another.

Citations: Direct quotations , in the text, with up to three lines, must be contained within double quotation marks and indicating the page(s). Direct quotations in the text, with more than three lines, must be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, in 10 pt font and without quotation marks, use single line spacing.

As it is an open access journal, Academicus Magazine does not charge fees for submitting manuscripts, nor does it charge any publication fees for review, text layout, formatting, magazine maintenance and indexing.

In this regard, the journal is committed to providing appropriate responses to authors in the shortest possible time, and is always available for clarification via email:  or .

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3005-3633