The knowledge of tooth size as well as the size and form of the dental arches is of importance in clinical dentistry, anthropology and anatomy. Tooth morphometry is known to be influenced by cultural, environment and racial or ethnic factors. The purpose of this study was to assess the maxillary arch and combined incisor widths; to determine if there is sexual dimorphism in the maxillary arch and combined incisor dimensions; to verify the reliability of Pont’s Index and to establish the standards for the Urhobos in South-Southern Nigeria. The combined mesiodistal crown widths of the four maxillary permanent incisors, interpremolar and intermolar arch widths of the maxillary arch of one hundred study models (50 males and 50 females) were measured with digital Vernier Caliper. There were statistically significant gender differences in the combined maxillary incisor width as well as premolar and molar arch widths. There were no significant correlations between the combined maxillary incisor crown width and the maxillary interpremolar, and intermolar arch widths. Pont’s estimation of the arch widths was reliable when the population mean was used, but was highly under-estimated when applied to individual subjects. As a result, the Pont’s index should not be applied clinically to individual patients.