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Retrospective evaluation of antimicrobial prescribing pattern in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria
Materials and Methods: It was a retrospective study of all antimicrobial prescriptions from January 2000-December 2007 retrieved manually from the pharmacy archives of University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City.
Results: The total drug prescribed in this survey increased over the seven year period except in second year when a slight decline appeared. Forty-five drugs were prescribed, 7 parenterally only, 25 orally only and 4 topically and 9 were prescribed both orally and parenterally. The penicillins were the most frequently prescribed antimicrobials with ampicillin comprising the overall highest clinical percentage prescription. This was followed by quinolones and cephalosporin. Ciprofloxacin and cephalexin were the most commonly prescribed quinolones and cephalosporins respectively. Gentamycin was the most outstanding and neomycin was the least prescribed aminoglycosides. Imidazole was the fourth most prescribed drugs with metronidazole being the commonest prescribed in this group. Macrolides were the fifth most prescribed drug and erythromycin being the most favoured in this group. Tetracycline was the least prescribed antibiotics overall. Minimal utilization of antifungals was also recorded. Mebendazole was the most frequently used antihelmiths.
Conclusion: Broad spectrum and older generation antibacterials were the predominantly utilized antimicrobials in this survey. Agents like tetracycline and chloramphenicols were minimally utilized. Nystatin and mebendazole were the most utilized antifungal and antihelminthics respectively. The data from this study will serve as a template for antimicrobial drug donation and procurement inorder prevent to unnecessary unwastag