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Histological Studies Of The Effects Of Oral Administration Of Artesunate On The Lateral Geniculate Body Of Adult Wistar Rats
The histological effect of oral administration of artesunate commonly used for the treatment of Malaria on one of the visual relay centres namely the lateral geniculate body (LGB) of adult Wistar rat was carefully studied. The rats of both sexes (n=24), average weight of 210g were randomly assigned into three treatment (n=18) and control (n=6) groups. The rats in the treatment group ‘A’ received 4mg/kg body weight of artesunate
base dissolved in distilled water daily for 3 days, through orogastric tube. The animals in groups ‘B’ and ‘C’ received 4mg/kg body weight of artesunate base dissolved in distilled water for the first day and thereafter received 2mg/kg body weight daily for six and thirteen days through the same route respectively, while that of the control group D, received equal volume of distilled water daily during the period of the experiment. The
rats were fed with growers’ mash obtained from Edo Feeds and Flour Mill Ltd, Ewu, Edo State, Nigeria and were given water liberally. The rats were sacrificed on day four, eight and fifteen of the experiment. The lateral geniculate body (LGB) was carefully dissected out and quickly fixed in 10% formal saline for histological studies. The histological findings after H&E method indicated that the treated section of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) showed some varying degree of reduced cellular population based on its sparse distribution, degenerative changes, cellular hypertrophy,
and intercellular vacuolations appearing in the stroma. Varying dosage and long administration of artesunate may have some deleterious effects
on the neurons of the intracranial visual relay centre and this may probably have some adverse effects on visual sensibilities by its deleterious effects on the cells of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) of adult Wistar rats. It is therefore recommended that further studies aimed at corroborating these observations be carried out.
Key words: Artesunate, lateral geniculate body (LGB), decreased cellular population,
cellular hypertrophy, vacuolations and Wistar rats.