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Malaria in Nigeria; what is new? A narrative approach

Jeremiah A Igunma
Ejime Ebeigbe
Chika Enebeli Prosper
Samuel Adebudo
Obe Oluwadamilare Afolabi


The 2022 World Malaria Report revealed that Nigeria bears the largest share of the global malaria burden, with a staggering 27% of worldwide estimated malaria cases. The distribution of malaria largely occurs in regions with sufficient precipitation. The ranges of temperatures between 20oC and 30oC and a relative humidity of above 60% are ideal for the malaria parasite. Mosquitoes are found globally, but they thrive predominantly in tropical and subtropical regions. Anopheles spp of Mosquitoes have been implicated in Malaria fever. Although several species of malaria parasites exist; Plasmodium. falciparum is Nigeria's predominant species, causing most illnesses among patients. The use of deep learning models and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve diagnostic accuracy is one notable recent development. Research in recent laboratory diagnostic methods for malaria indicates a move toward technology-driven approaches in pathology, with models such as ResNet50 demonstrating improved accuracy in recognizing blood samples associated to malaria. Again, in response to the noted drop in conventional teaching techniques, educational tools like DMU e-Parasitology® have surfaced to provide health professionals with the essential skills required for parasitology. Furthermore, recent advancements in Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) have revolutionized malaria treatment and control, by greatly improving the capacity to identify the disease in its early stages. Despite recent trends in laboratory diagnosis of malaria in Nigeria, Microscopy remains the gold standard for malaria diagnosis. Strategies like Digital health interventions, Artemisinin-based combination treatments (ACTs), Indoor residual spraying (IRS), Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), Community-based interventions, and Malaria vaccination, have been implemented to reduce the prevalence of malaria in Nigeria. In Conclusion, in Nigeria, malaria is still a major public health issue that has a huge financial impact on both the healthcare system and the country's economy. Issues like low financing, resistance to ACT and insecticides, poor quality tests and medications and corruption have made it difficult to effectively control the disease.

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eISSN: 1596-6569