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Infectious mucocutaneous morbidity in haart experienced and haart naive patients in an urban hospital in southern Nigeria
Aim: To determine the prevalence and types of Infectious mucocutaneous morbidities in HAART experienced and HAART naive patients in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin city Nigeria.
Methodology: This was a comparative cross sectional study that involved 330 HAART experienced patients and 330 HAART naive patients. The study subjects were examined for cutaneous morbidities. A p value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The mean age for the HAART experienced and naïve groups were 42.39± 10.1yrs and 39.9±11.2yrs respectively. The median CD4 count of the HAART naive group was significantly lower than the HAART experienced group (275.5 cells/ulvs 487cells/ul: p=<0.001).The prevalence of infectious cutaneous morbidity was significantly higher in the HAART naive compared to the HAART experienced patients (19.1% vs 5.5%, P<0.01). The most common infectious dermatoses in both groups were oral candidiasis and herpes zoster which were significantly more common in the HAART naive HIV infected patients.
Conclusion: Infectious mucocutaneous morbidities were more common in the HAART naive than HAART experienced HIV infected patients.