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Birth preparedness and complication readiness: knowledge and practices among pregnant women in Benin City, Edo State
Nigeria accounts for nearly 10% of global estimates of maternal mortalities. Antenatal registration and health facility deliveries remain very challenging in Nigeria. This study was conducted to assess knowledge, birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPACR) practices among pregnant women in Benin City, for improved antenatal care (ANC) registration and skilled attendance at birth.
Materials and Methods: A community based analytical cross sectional study design was utilized in this study, involving researcher distribution of pretested semi structured questionnaires to 252 consenting pregnant women in Benin City..
Results: The mean age of women studied was 28.9 ± 4.9 years, 197(78.2%) of them were aware of the term “birth preparedness”, with 172 (89.1%) reporting health care providers as their main source of information. Majority 243(96.4%) of respondents had good knowledge of birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPACR) while 9(3.6%) had fair knowledge. In relation to practice of BPACR, 238(94.4%) had registered for ANC, 234(98.3%) had identified a health facility, 233(92.5%) identified a skilled birth provider, 165(65.5%) made transportation plans, 74(29.4%) had savings as emergency funds while only 21(8.3%) had identified potential blood donor. ANC registration (OR=0.30; 95%CI= 0.09-0.98; p=0.040) and Identifying skilled birth provider (OR=0.18; 95%CI= 0.06-0.49; p< 0.001) among respondents were significant predictors identified as influencing health facility deliveries.
Conclusion: This study identified good knowledge and practice of BPACR among pregnant women studied in Benin City, with ANC registration and identifying skilled birth providers significantly influencing health facility deliveries. There is need to strengthen Antenatal Care (ANC) registration practices and identifying skilled birth providers among pregnant women in study area and by extension Nigeria for improved health facility delivery.
Keywords: Assessment, Benin City, Birth preparedness and complication readiness, Knowledge, practices, pregnant women