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A Rare Case of Intermittent Calf Pain: Gastrocnemius Fatty Degeneration

Kalande Fredrick


Intermittent calf pain is also called claudication. It is common in patients with spinal canal stenosis or those with peripheral vascular occlusion disorders. It is rarely found in local muscle pathology. We herein report a case of a 50-year-old man who presented with left-sided calf pain on mild exertion. On evaluation, the systemic review was normal, with no spondylosis or vascular pathology, but with local fatty degeneration in the gastrocnemius, which was causing the calf pain. He was given analgesics and underwent physiotherapy and counseling, and his condition improved over 6 months. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2523-0816
print ISSN: 1999-9674