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Un pseudolymphome mixte chez une femme sous tamoxifène : un réel défi étiologique A mixed pseudolymphoma in a woman on tamoxifen: a real etiological challenge

Ibtissam Benslimane Kamal
Fouzia HalI
Soumiva Chiheb


We report a case of cutaneous pseudolymphoma of the nose following herpes in a patient on tamoxifen. A 53-year-old patient, treated for a breast tumor under tamoxifen, had presented a firm nodule in the nose 1 month before consulting. The interrogation revealed a history of nasolabial herpes which had resolved a few days before. Skin biopsy and immunohistochemistry revealed a reactive mixed lymphoid infiltrate. The rest of the patient's biological assessment was negative. The evolution was marked by spontaneous regression of the nodule. The originality of our observation lies in the rarity of the association of a pseudolymphoma with a herpes infection. The majority of pseudolymphomas are idiopathic and their course is generally marked by spontaneous regression of the lesions. The spontaneous regression of the lesion despite the continuation of tamoxifen, in our patient, seems to be an element in favor of the imputability of the herpes virus in the occurrence of the pseudolymphoma.

We report a case of cutaneous pseudolymphoma of the nose following herpes in a patient on tamoxifen. A 53-year-old patient, treated for a breast tumor under tamoxifen, had presented a firm nodule in the nose 1 month before consulting. The interrogation revealed a history of nasolabial herpes which had resolved a few days before. Skin biopsy and immunohistochemistry revealed a reactive mixed lymphoid infiltrate. The rest of the patient's biological assessment was negative. The evolution was marked by spontaneous regression of the nodule. The originality of our observation lies in the rarity of the association of a pseudolymphoma with a herpes infection. The majority of pseudolymphomas are idiopathic and their course is generally marked by spontaneous regression of the lesions. The spontaneous regression of the lesion despite the continuation of tamoxifen, in our patient, seems to be an element in favor of the imputability of the herpes virus in the occurrence of the pseudolymphoma.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2313-3589
print ISSN: 2309-5784