Strangulated inguinal hernia is a common surgical emergency with potentially life threatening consequences. Following reduction of an obstructed hernia the reduced intestine usually returns to normal function. We present two patients each of who presented with obstructed right inguinal hernia of more than 8 hours duration. Following release of the obstructions the intestines were judged viable and returned to the peritoneal cavity and herniorrhapies done. They represented to us several months later with features of intestinal obstruction necessitating laparatomy. Fibrous strictures obliterating the lumen of the intestines were found at the site where their obstructed hernias were previously released. The strictures were resected and end-to-end anastomosis done.
Keywords: hernia, obstruction, strangulation, ischaemia, stricture
Annals of African Medicine Vol. 5 (1) 2006: 56–58