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Relationship between serum heat-stable alkaline phosphatase activity and blood pressure in patients with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
Method: The activity of HS-ALP was measured using the 4 – nitrophenyl phosphate (4 – NPP) method after incubation at a high temperature of 65 0C for exactly 30 minutes in one hundred normal pregnant women and in another one hundred with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. The normal pregnant women were used as controls. The blood pressure (BP), systolic as well as diastolic was measured in each of the studied patient using desktop mercury sphygmomanometer.
Results: In the patients with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, it was found that the higher the systolic and diastolic BP, the higher is the activity of the HS-ALP.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the HS-ALP activity in patients with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia is positively related to the severity of the hypertension and therefore this could help in detecting early complication.
Keywords: heat-stable alkaline phosphatase, eclampsia, blood pressure
Annals of African Medicine Vol. 5 (1) 2006: 38–41