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Antenatal clinical pelvimetry in primigravidae and outcome of labour
Method: A retrospective study of clinical pelvimetry and outcome of labour in primigravidae.
Results: The total number of primigravidae included in the study was 268 and of these, 74 were adjudged to have adequate pelvis at antenatal clinical pelvimetry. The APGAR scores at one and five minutes were significantly higher among infants born to mothers who had clinically adequate pelvis at antenatal assessment compared to the APGAR scores of infants born to mothers who did not have antenatal clinical pelvimetry but this association became insignificant after controlling for booking status. Infants born to booked mothers had significantly higher APGAR scores than those who were not booked (χ2 = 36.52, p = <0.001 and χ2 = 28.67, p = <0.001 for one and five minutes respectively). There was no significant association between antenatal clinical pelvimetry and duration of labour after admission or mode of delivery even after controlling for gestational age and birth weight.
Conclusion: Antenatal clinical pelvimetry may have predictive value for foetal outcome and should be encouraged in all primigravidae in this environment where adequate foetal monitoring facilities are not widely available. Antenatal care has a positive effect on foetal outcome and should be encouraged in all pregnant women.
Keywords: pelvimetry, primigravidae, outcome of labour
Annals of African Medicine Vol. 4(4) 2005: 164-167