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Patients' assessment of efficiency of services at a teaching hospital in a developing country
Method: The study was a cross-sectional study carried out between July 2002 and September 2002 at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin – City, Edo – State, Nigeria. All patients (255) on admission were included in the study.
Results: The average waiting time of patients was 2 hours 53 minutes (173 minutes) and the range was 2 minutes to 2 days. Two hundred and ten (84%) of the patients were satisfied with time spent with the doctor (consultation time). Services at the pharmacy were satisfactory to 140 (56.0%) patients while 73.2% were satisfied with services rendered at the laboratories. Eight–five percent and 76.8% of patients were satisfied with the X–ray and catering departments respectively. However, patients' rating of the level of sanitation was poor (46%).
Conclusion: Areas of need identified include, waiting time prior to consultation, sanitation of the hospital and pharmacy department. Although patients expressed a high level of satisfaction with the laboratories, X–ray and catering departments, there is a need to work towards achieving total satisfaction with all facilities.
Keywords: services, efficiency, teaching hospital, patients
Annals of African Medicine Vol. 4(4) 2005: 150–153