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Attitude of Nigerian women to abnormal menstrual bleeding from injectable progestogen-only contraceptive
Method: A structured questionnaire was administered on 354 clients who were on intramuscular DMPA 150mg 3-monthly or intramuscular norethisterone enanthate 200mg 2-monthly and a matched control group of 323 clients at the Reproductive Health Center of the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria, Nigeria. Data was analyzed using Minitab statistical software.
Results: Abnormal menstrual bleeding, commonly amenorrhea and irregular bleeding, were significantly associated with use of either DMPA or Net-En. Clients tolerated amenorrhea better than irregular bleeding and their preference for either DMPA or Net-En was not altered by amenorrhea. Irregular bleeding was a significant reason for method switch or discontinuation.
Conclusion: Treatments that can inflict amenorrhea could be acceptable options in the management of abnormal bleeding patterns induced by progestogen-only injectable contraceptive which are in present use.
Keywords: depot-medroxy progesterone acetate, norethisterone enanthate, menstrual abnormalities
Annals of African Medicine Vol. 4(4) 2005: 144–149