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Appendicitis in Kano, Nigeria: A 5-year review of pattern, morbidity and mortality
Method: This retrospective study of 142 cases in 3 centers in Kano metropolis over a 5- year period was carried out to determine the pattern and outcome of management.
Results: Ninety-five (66.9%) were males and 47(33.1%) were females, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. The peak age incidence was 11 to 20 years, with a mean of 26.5 years. The clinical diagnosis was histologically confirmed in 122 patients (85.9%). Twenty (14.1%) of the patients had negative laparotomy mainly in female teenagers. The perforation rate was 33(23.2%). Wound infection was the most common postoperative complication occurring in 38 patients (26.8%), mainly those with perforation or gangrene, 13(39.4%). There was only one recorded mortality from overwhelming sepsis (0.7%).
Conclusion: While the mortality rate of emergency appendectomy has markedly declined to less than 1% as in this study, morbidity especially postoperative wound infection continues to be a problem.
Key Words: Acute appendicitis, negative laparotomy, wound infection, mortality
Annals of African Medicine Vol.3(1 ) 2004: 38-41