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Features and perceptions of menopausal women in Benin City, Nigeria
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study of 533 randomly selected Nigerian women in Benin City, Edo State who had experienced at least 24 continuous months of amenorrhea using a structured questionnaire.
Results: The ages of the women studied ranged between 47 and 78 years; mean 57.4 ± 6.3 years. The mean menopausal and menercheal ages were 49.8 ± 2.6 and 15.2 ± 2.0 years. Most (80.7%) were currently married with
63.6% in monogamous relationships. Three hundred and fi fty-six women (66.8%) have heard of the word menopause and correctly described it. Menopause was considered a normal event by 97.4%. Majority (407; 77.6%) adjusted very well to the events of menopause with none revealing any serious maladjustment. Three hundred and forty-six women (64.9%) were no longer sexually active. Joint pains (287; 53.8%), hot flushes (272; 51%) and night sweats (22; 42%) were the most common symptoms believed to be related to menopause. Three hundred and two women (56.7%) actually suffered at least one of the menopause symptoms. Joint pains (52.9%), hot flushes (43.3%) and night sweats (29.8%) were the commonest symptoms experienced. Freedom from monthly bleeding (50.7%) was the most commonly reported advantage of menopause. Only thirty nine (7.3%) were aware of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and none were on /ever had HRT.
Conclusion: Although menopause is well-tolerated by women in our environment, it needs further investigation. Research priorities include the influence of socio-cultural beliefs on sexuality at menopause and evaluation of HRT benefits.