Background : Operative vaginal deliveries are frequent features of obstetrics practice in tertiary levels of care even in developing countries. It is essential to review these practices in order to assess their benefits or otherwise to safe motherhood in resource limited settings Study design : Labor records on operative vaginal delivery cases and matched controls who had spontaneous vaginal deliveries between January 1997 and December 2001 at the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria, were analyzed with respect to mode of delivery, indication for operative vaginal delivery, anesthesia use, fetal 5-min Apgar score, birth weight, fetal, and maternal complications. Results : Of 7,327 deliveries at the center in the study period, 262 (3.6%) were by operative vaginal deliveries. Forceps delivery was most frequently performed (55.7%), while vacuum delivery was found to be in increased use (38.2%). Embryotomy procedures were performed selectively (6.1%). Operative vaginal deliveries were more commonly employed on primigravida (78.6%) compared to multiparas and the most common indication was delayed second stage of labor. Forcep- and vacuum-assisted deliveries were both associated with maternal and newborn complications. There was no significant difference in the use of anesthesia between forceps and vacuum deliveries. Conclusion : Operative vaginal delivery rates in this center are comparable to other centers as are the possible complications. Making these procedures safer will improve safe motherhood in settings where there are performed.