Physical parameters and nutrient contents of the whole seeds and seed nuts of Tamarindus indica L. 1753 were determined. Crude protein was between 21.25–22.20%, carbohydrate ranged from 8.9-17.10%, crude fibre was 2.33–3.82 %, crude lipid 6.94-11.43 %, in seed nuts and whole seeds respectively. Moisture contents were higher in the seed nuts 19.90 %. Removal of the seed coat increased the mineral elements in the seeds. Sodium to Potassium ratio (Na/K) was 0.1 and 0.09 while Calcium to Phosphorus ratio (Ca/P) was 0.39-1.24, with calorie values of 2 10.90 and 122.41 kcal/100g for whole seeds and seed nuts respectively. The length of pod (LOP) was 7.30 ± 1.31 cm (n=50), breadth of pod (BOP) was 3.05 ± 1.20 cm. T. indica seed nuts were found to be potential sources of mineral elements while the whole seeds were richer in other proximate components with the exception of moisture and ash contents.
Keywords: Tamarindus indica, proximate composition, mineral composition, whole seed, seed nuts