Impact of indigenous conservation of Cercopithecus sclateri in Lagwa community of Imo State, Nigeria was studied using structured questionnaire, in - depth interview and field observations. A set of Structured questionnaire were administered to respondents from five villages selected from the eight villages in Lagwa community. These communities were selected based on presence of sacred forests or their closeness to sacred forests. Households in selected villages were listed and structured questionnaires were administered to 50 % of households in selected villages in such a way as to have equal number of male and female respondents. A total of 209 respondents were sampled in the selected villages. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi square. Results revealed among other things that the indigenous conservation of sclater’s guenon has made Lagwa popular (97.1%) but economically, has not benefited households in any form (100%). Losses incurred through crop depredation (95.2%) by the monkeys have become a source of discouragement to households in Lagwa. Majority of the respondents (70.8%) rated the losses either high or very high. Chi square analysis revealed significant association (p<0.05) between rating of losses caused by Cercopithecus sclateri in the study area and occupation of household respondents (X2 = 60.728). Visitation of tourists to Lagwa has not been regular because the chances of siting Sclater’s monkey, the core attraction to the ecodestination, is reducing progressively. The conservation practice can hardly be sustained for the next two decades except if plans are made to reduce or cushion negative impacts and make the species conservation benefit households economically.