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Biochemical changes in adult Nigerians with pulmonary tuberculosis in Kano-Nigeria
Aim: This study was aimed at assessing changes in some biochemical parameters in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Subjects and Methods: Fifty seven TB patients confirmed by culture and/or sputum smear were recruited consecutively over a period of twenty months. Serum calcium, inorganic phosphate, transaminases, proteins, urea, electrolytes and creatinine were assayed using Express plus chemistry autoanalyzer and fp 20 flame photometer. 50 male and 7 female subjects were recruited from among staff and students of the hospital as controls.
Results: The mean corrected calcium level was 2.54±0.02mmol/l,albumin 24.0±1.27g/L, aspartate aminotransferase 47.6+3.0U/l, alanine aminotransferase 26±1.6Ul, sodium 135±0.8 mmol/l and bicarbonate 20±0.82mmol/l. Statistically significant difference (p<0.001) was observed in some parameters when compared with the control subjects. The change in potassium level was also statistically significant (p<0.01). This study has confirmed that Pt and PTB may have significant reduction in ca++ albumin; hyponatraemis .
Conclusion: Hypercalcaemia was observed in 26% of patients. After Calcium concentration was corrected for albumin. Hypoalbuminaemia and hyponatraemia were also observed in this study.
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol. 4(1) 2006: 15-21