# is paper advances the view that there is an ontological commitment in Akiwowo’s sociology of knowledge which o$ ers an exposition of his thought on purpose, human sociality, nature and society. # e paper defends a realist interpretation of this ontology. It argues that a realist interpretation of Akiwowo’s account of human sociality, nature and society shows two major conclusions. One, social actions in society are human actions. Human actions are not isolated atoms. # erefore social actions are linked by the agency and, subjectivity of the human which is imbued with values and her/his capacity of sociality. Two, a condition for the continuous existence of a society is that such society has goals. # e evidence for this is simple: we see it. # is view of society di$ ers from the traditional view of purposiveness in society. # e paper suggests that these two conclusions show Akiwowo’s theoretical distance from positivism. # is rejection of positivism moves him closer to a natural law position.