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Gender, Power And Political Leadership In Nigeria: Problems And Prospects
contemporary discourse especially on issues of power and political leadership. For too long women were perceived in various societies, particularly in the developing world, as second class citizens and objects of developmental and governance process. Women who constitute a greater proportion of the society undertake substantial productive and reproductive assignments in the society: in education, health and food supply. They also contribute greatly to the social stability of the young and aged. However, these leadership potentials are not maximally harnessed in the society. This predicament is prevalent in Nigeria where women’s participation is undermined due to socio-cultural, political and economic problems. The objective of this study was to highlight the place of
women in their struggle for power and political leadership and analyze the
problems confronting them in the present day Nigeria. The study relied basically on qualitative methodology and gathered its data from documentary sources like journals, magazines, books, newspapers and internet materials. This paper argues that for women to take their rightful positions in politics and decisionmaking process in Nigeria, they must exhibit enough political awareness and interest with a view to overcoming the numerous socio-cultural factors militating against the female folks in the country. It recommends that, gender equality in relation to political position should be included in the constitution of the political
parties and as a directive of state policy. The paper concludes that grassroots mobilization of women through political enlightenment is imperative for effective political participation of women.